Scholarships and Bursaries

Good Shepherd Lutheran College is pleased to announce that we will be offering the following Scholarships and Bursaries for 2026. Students currently enrolled at GSLC and those wishing to enter GSLC are invited to apply for the following:

Academic Excellence Scholarship

Cultural Excellence Scholarship

Sporting Excellence Scholarship


Principal's Bursary

Good Shepherd is committed to making ‘Quality Christian Education in a Caring Environment’ available to everyone. We believe that by offering Scholarships and Bursaries in 2026, we will be honouring and supporting this commitment and student excellence in specific fields.

Testing for Scholarships and Bursaries will take place at Good Shepherd Lutheran College on Saturday 22 March 2025 commencing at 9:00am. Testing will be conducted by an independent testing agency (Edutest). Applicants will need to apply online to sit the Scholarship test via this link here REGISTER HERE with payment of $95.00 to Edutest at the time of registration. Registration closes Friday 14 March 2025 at 5.00pm. Late applications will be accepted until 5:00pm AEST Monday 17 March 2025, however, this will incur a late fee of $245.00. Awarding of all Scholarships will not be on test results alone. Other criteria taken into account are listed for each Scholarship and Bursary in the drop-down menus below. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS IN YOUR APPLICATION.

Academic Excellence Scholarship

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Academic Excellence Scholarship

Academic Scholarships will be offered to students entering Year 6 to 11 in 2026 who demonstrate excellence in academic potential and achievement.

Successful Academic Scholarship candidates will typically be awarded 25% remission of tuition fees for the duration or balance of Middle Years (Years 6-9) or Senior Years (Years 10-12) provided that they meet general College expectations and any specific requirements for support of College activities in the student’s area of excellence. The awarding and ongoing honouring of the Scholarships will be at the discretion of the Principal.

Applicants need to demonstrate outstanding academic endeavour, conduct and citizenship. The candidate’s capacity to contribute to the activities of the College will be considered. An interview may also be conducted.

In addition to sitting the Scholarship test, students wishing to apply for an Academic Excellence Scholarship will need to provide the following to the College prior to the testing date.

  • A completed GSLC Application for Enrolment form GSLC Application for Enrolment Form (if you are a non-current GSLC student and have not previously submitted an Application for Enrolment form)
  • An introductory letter in student’s own handwriting, stating why they would make a worthy candidate for a Scholarship and why they would like to attend Good Shepherd Lutheran College (if not already enrolled).
  • 2 most recent school reports including any relevant NAPLAN results.
  • Copies of Certificates of Achievement.
  • A reference from a staff member at the student’s current school.
  • A reference from a member of an organisation or association that the student is currently affiliated with.
  • Any other supporting documentation of achievements.
  • Evidence of academic endeavour.
  • Evidence of high levels of conduct and citizenship.

Please send supporting documentation addressed to;

Academic Excellence Scholarship Application

ATT: Mr A Dyer

Good Shepherd Lutheran College

PO Box 1288


Sporting Excellence Scholarship

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Sporting Excellence Scholarship

Sporting Excellence Scholarships will be offered to students entering Year 6 to Year 11 in 2026 who demonstrate excellence in sporting endeavours.

Successful Sporting Excellence Scholarship recipients will typically be awarded 25% remission of tuition fees for the duration or balance of Middle Years (Years 6-9) or Senior Years (Years 10-12) provided that they meet general College expectations and any specific requirements for support of College activities in the student’s area of excellence. The awarding and ongoing honouring of the Scholarships will be at the discretion of the Principal.

In addition to sitting the Scholarship test, students wishing to apply for a Sporting Excellence Scholarship will need to provide the following to the College prior to the testing date. The candidate’s capacity to contribute to the activities of the College will be considered.


  • A completed on line GSLC Application for Enrolment form from the following link GSLC Application for Enrolment Formif you are a non-current GSLC student and have not previously submitted an Application for Enrolment form.
  • An introductory letter in student’s own handwriting, stating why they would make a worthy candidate for a Scholarship and why they would like to attend Good Shepherd Lutheran College (if not already enrolled).
  • Copies of 2 most recent school reports including any relevant NAPLAN results.
  • Copies of Certificates of Achievement.
  • A dot point of history of participation in their area of excellence
  • A reference from a staff member at the student’s current school.
  • A reference from a member of an organisation or association that the student is currently affiliated with.
  • Evidence of sporting endeavour.
  • Evidence of high levels of conduct and citizenship.
  • Other supporting documentation or achievements in their area of excellence e.g.;

° Show talent in one or more sporting fields.

° Evidence of higher level representative selection.

° Show a commitment to training and enthusiasm for sport.

Please send supporting documentation addressed to;

Sporting Excellence Scholarship Application

ATT: Mr A Dyer

Good Shepherd Lutheran College

PO Box 1288


Cultural Excellence Scholarship

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Cultural Excellence Scholarship

Cultural Excellence Scholarships will be offered to students entering Year 6 to Year 11 in 2026 who demonstrate excellence in cultural endeavours.

Successful Cultural Excellence Scholarship recipients will typically be awarded 25% remission of tuition fees for the duration or balance of Middle Years (Years 6-9) or Senior Years (Years 10-12) provided that they meet general College expectations and any specific requirements for support of College activities in the student’s area of excellence. The awarding and ongoing honouring of the Scholarships will be at the discretion of the Principal.

In addition to sitting the Scholarship test, students wishing to apply for a Cultural Excellence Scholarship will need to provide the following to the College prior to the testing date. The candidate’s capacity to contribute to the activities of the College will be considered.

  • A completed GSLC Application for Enrolment form GSLC Application for Enrolment Form (if you are a non-current GSLC student and have not previously submitted an Application for Enrolment form)
  • An introductory letter in student’s own handwriting, stating why they would make a worthy candidate for a Scholarship and why they would like to attend Good Shepherd Lutheran College (if not already enrolled).
  • Copies of 2 most recent school reports including any relevant NAPLAN results.
  • Copies of Certificates of Achievement.
  • A dot point of history of participation in their area of excellence
  • A reference from a staff member at the student’s current school.
  • A reference from a member of an organisation or association that the student is currently affiliated with.
  • Evidence of academic endeavour.
  • Evidence of high levels of conduct and citizenship.
  • Other supporting documentation or achievements in their area of excellence e.g.;

° Show outstanding talent in playing one or more musical instruments or in singing, drama or dance.

° Show a commitment and interest in performance.

° Be considering ‘performance’ as a chosen career.

Please send supporting documentation addressed to;

Cultural Excellence Scholarship Application

ATT: Mr A Dyer

Good Shepherd Lutheran College

PO Box 1288



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A Bursary will be offered to students entering Year 6 to Year 11 in 2026 who demonstrate excellence in one or more of academic, sporting or cultural endeavours where financial support of the College is required.

Successful General Bursary recipients will typically be awarded 25% remission of tuition fees for the duration or balance of Middle Years (Years 6-9) or Senior Years (Years 10-12) provided that they meet general College expectations and any specific requirements for support of College activities in the student’s area of excellence. The awarding and ongoing honouring of the Bursary will be at the discretion of the Principal.

In addition to sitting the Scholarship test, students wishing to apply for a General Bursary will need to provide the following to the College prior to the testing date.

The candidate’s capacity to contribute to the activities of the College will be considered.

  • A completed GSLC Application for Enrolment form GSLC Application for Enrolment Form (if you are a non-current GSLC student and have not previously submitted an Application for Enrolment form)
  • An introductory letter in student’s own handwriting, stating why they would make a worthy candidate for a Scholarship and why they would like to attend Good Shepherd Lutheran College (if not already enrolled).
  • Copies of 2 most recent school reports and relevant NAPLAN results.
  • Copies of Certificates of Achievement
  • A dot point history of participation in their area of excellence.
  • A reference from a Staff Member at their current school.
  • A reference from a member of an organization or association that you are currently affiliated with.
  • Evidence of academic endeavor.
  • Evidence of high levels of conduct and citizenship.
  • Other supporting documentation or achievements in their area of excellence e.g.;

° Show talent in one or more sporting fields.

° Show a commitment to training and enthusiasm for sport.

° Show outstanding talent in playing one or more musical instruments or in singing, drama or dance.

° Show a commitment and interest in performance.

° Be considering ‘performance’ as a chosen career.

Confidential Parents’ Bursary Application Form available by contacting the College Registrar

Please send supporting documentation addressed to;

Bursary Application

ATT: Mr A Dyer

Good Shepherd Lutheran College

PO Box 1288


Principal’s Bursary

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Principal’s Bursary

A Principals Bursary will be offered to students not currently attending GSLC entering Year 10 or Year 11 in 2026 who demonstrate excellence in one or more of academic, sporting or cultural endeavors and where financial support of the College is required.

The Principal’s Bursary recipient will typically be awarded 25% remission of tuition fees for the duration or balance of Senior Years (Years 10-12) provided students meet general College expectation and any specific requirements for support of College activities in the student’s area of excellence. The awarding and ongoing honouring of the Bursary will be at the discretion of the Principal.

In addition to sitting the Scholarship test, students wishing to apply for a Principal’s Bursary will need to provide the following to the College prior to the testing date. The candidate’s capacity to contribute to the activities of the College will be considered.

  • A completed GSLC Application for Enrolment form if one has not already been submitted Link to Enrolment Form
  • An introductory letter in student’s own handwriting, stating why they would make a worthy candidate for a Scholarship and why they would like to attend Good Shepherd Lutheran College (if not already enrolled).
  • Copies of 2 most recent school reports and relevant NAPLAN results.
  • Copies of Certificates of Achievement
  • A dot point history of participation in their area of excellence.
  • A reference from a staff member at their current school.
  • A reference from a member of an organization or association that you are currently affiliated with.
  • Evidence of academic endeavor.
  • Evidence of high levels of conduct and citizenship.
  • Other supporting documentation or achievements in their area of excellence e.g.;

° Show talent in one or more sporting fields.

° Show a commitment to training and enthusiasm for sport.

° Show outstanding talent in playing one or more musical instruments or in singing, drama or dance.

° Show a commitment and interest in performance.

° Be considering ‘performance’ as a chosen career.

Confidential Parents’ Bursary Application Form available by contacting the College Registrar

Please send supporting documentation addressed to;

Principal’s Bursary Application

ATT: Mr A Dyer

Good Shepherd Lutheran College

PO Box 1288