
The New QCE System

The introduction of the new QCE system in 2019 presented an exciting opportunity for Year 11 students at Good Shepherd. The new and developed courses are designed to provide students with robust learning and assessment experiences that are based around 21st century skills and real-world application. As a College, we have determined the subject offerings that we believe will enable students to develop these skills in a supportive and caring environment, while also developing a love of learning and curiosity for the post-school world.

The new QCE system combines elements of the previous curriculum with exciting new initiatives. Teachers will still be able to design learning and assessment experiences that are matched to the context and interests of their students, and, for the first time in Queensland, students will also engage in subject specific external assessment pieces at the end of Year 12. This will require careful preparation of skills and practices throughout the Year 11 units to enable students to independently apply their problem-solving and decision-making abilities. Students and parents can be confident that these preparations have been included in the development of the new courses and that students will be able to access robust and quality learning experiences in each subject or course that they select.

The new QCE will still be awarded for the completion of courses at a set standard, and in a set pattern, which is similar to the previous QCE. However, students planning on following a pathway to tertiary study must be eligible for an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) score. Eligible students in all other states and territories in Australia receive an ATAR at the completion of their Year 12 studies based on the successful completion of Units 3 and 4 of a combination of five general subjects, or at least four general subjects and one applied subject or certificate course.

At Good Shepherd, Year 11 students in 2024 will study a total of six subjects. An English and a Maths subject are compulsory, with a choice of four electives to complete the course of study.

Year 11 2024 Course Booklet

English SubjectsMathematic SubjectsGeneral SubjectsApplied Subjects
EnglishGeneral MathematicsAncient HistoryAquatic Practice*
Essential English*Essential Mathematics*BiologyBusiness Studies*
LiteratureMathematical MethodsBusinessFashion*
Specialist MathematicsChemistryHospitality Practices*
DesignIndustrial Graphics Skills*
Digital SolutionsIndustrial Technology Skills*
DramaMedia Arts in Practice*
Earth & Environmental ScienceSport & Recreation*
Film, Television & New Media
Legal Studies
Marine Science
Modern History
Music Extension (Year 12 Only)
Physical Education
Visual Art

Subjects marked with an * are applied subjects. Only one applied subject can contribute to the calculation of an ATAR. All applied subjects can contribute to the accrual of points for the QCE.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) options

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Senior students at Good Shepherd can choose to complement their studies with a VET qualification while remaining eligible for an ATAR or OP. Alternatively, students may choose to take a VET pathway for their senior studies and aim to achieve a QCE through a combination of school subjects and certificate courses.

East Coast TAFE may offer ‘TAFE at School’ courses for senior school students in 2019. Under the ‘TAFE at School’ model, students attend TAFE one day per week and study a reduced load of school subjects in addition to their chosen certificate. Completed certificates contribute to the QCE, and a completed Certificate III or higher may be used in the calculation of a student’s ATAR.

Some of the courses offered via ‘TAFE at School’ include:

  • Certificate II in Salon Assistant* (Hair)
  • Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
  • Certificate III in Business (online)
  • Certificate II in Community Services* (online)
  • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care (online)
  • Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Prep.*
  • Certificate II in Electrotechnology*
  • Certificate II in Engineering Pathways*
  • Certificate II in Plumbing*
  • Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design*
  • Certificate II in Health Support Services
  • Certificate II in Kitchen Operations*
  • Certificate III in Information Digital Media & Tech
  • Certificate III in Music Industry
  • Certificate III in Community Pharmacy
  • Certificate II in Sport and Recreation*
  • Certificate II in Tourism*
  • Certificate III in Visual Arts

School-based apprenticeships and traineeships

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School-based apprenticeships and traineeships are an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and work skills in an industry pathway to employment. At Good Shepherd, students typically have one day per week in the work place and study a reduced load of five subjects to help balance their time commitments. Students who choose this mode of study are enrolled in the relevant qualification with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) for the industry. Completed learning contributes to the QCE and students often gain work placement as the result of a completed apprenticeship or traineeship.

Our students have completed traineeships in the following fields:

  • Hospitality (chef and front-of-house)
  • Sports coaching
  • Construction and plumbing
  • Aged care
  • Business
  • Bicycle repairs
  • Stable hand
  • Coastal maritime operations (coxswain)
  • Youth work
  • Engineering

Christian Studies

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This subject is studied by all students in Years 11 and 12. The total time allocation for Christian Studies is approximately one full day per term. It includes a number of half and full day workshops and seminars throughout the year.

Christian Studies in Years 11 and 12 investigates and explores ideas and attitudes that are present in society which the students may encounter throughout their lives. It seeks to give students the opportunity to critique various worldviews and challenge their current attitudes and opinions. The ultimate aim is to foster a Christian worldview as essential equipping for life.

The course exposes students to a variety of Christian and non-Christian expressions of faith, as well as religious and secular philosophies and practices. There are opportunities for the students to reflect on their own journey of faith and give thought to where their journey may lead into the future.

Please note: Christian Studies remains an essential element of Good Shepherd's formal curriculum. All absences must be explained in writing by parents before the workshop or excursion. Because this is a compulsory part of our curriculum, students who are absent for the scheduled Christian Studies activities will be required to complete the work that has been missed, usually by submission of a written assignment.

Year 10 Studies

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Year 10 is recognised as an important year at Good Shepherd when students make a series of important decisions about their future pathways with the necessary guidance and support. Year 10 students study a core component of six courses from the Australian Curriculum, with three elective subjects based on their interests and pre-requisite requirements for their senior studies.

Core Year 10 Subjects

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Year 10 students study the following core subjects:

  • Christian Studies
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • English
  • Humanities
  • Health and Physical Education

Elective Year 10 Subjects

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Year 10 student then complete their first year of senior studies with a choice of three of the following electives:

  • Art
  • Business Studies
  • Design and Manufacturing
  • Digital Technologies
  • Drama
  • Food Technology
  • German
  • Graphical Design
  • Japanese
  • Learning Enrichment
  • Media Arts
  • Music
  • Real Applications in Math and Science
  • Textiles and Design

Year 10 Senior Education and Training (SET) plans

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Year 10 students will engage in a program of career preparation and SET planning as they transition into their Year 11 and 12 courses. This process involves identifying areas of skill and interest and matching these with subject and pathway choices that equip them with the best opportunities for future success. All Year 10 students will complete a career preparation course and assignment in Term Two of Year 10, with subject selection for Year 11 and 12 courses following later in Terms 3 and 4.

Year 11 Work Experience

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All Year 11 students complete five days of work experience in Term 3. The purpose of this is for students to gain an insight into possible career choices and to learn, through first-hand experience, some of the realities of life in a specific work environment. Many students will reinforce their choice of career; others will learn that a particular career is not well suited to them.

Preferences for placements are sought in Term 1 of Year 11. All paperwork should be completed and returned promptly to ensure the student has the greatest chance of obtaining their desired work placement. More information will be presented at the Year 11 Information Evening early in the year.