Travelling to Good Shepherd

Travel Options

Private Bus Service

The College operates a private morning and afternoon bus service on the following five routes.

To ensure we have sufficient seating, families need to apply and be approved before students are able to travel. This process is outlined below.

The timetables below are to be used as a guide only.

The College uses a platform developed by RollCall to manage the day to day bus activities, installing the app will enable notifications of student boarding activity, booking and payment of casual trips and the current location of the bus that your child is travelling on. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play, an invite will be sent to your email account with the login details upon being assigned to a route. Please note, all support for the app should be directed to the College not the developer.

Students must be at their approved stop 5 minutes prior to the time shown in the timetable. The afternoon schedule is only a guide, to help minimise the time students spend travelling the afternoon service will skip a stop when there are no students onboard for it, resulting in students being dropped to some stops earlier than indicated in the schedule.

Students using the bus service must have a booking in place. The cost of the service varies depending on the distance travelled and frequency. Please click on the link below to view bus charges. All payments regarding bus travel are completed within RollCall app on a pay-as-you-go basis.

College Bus Travel Application Form

The bus application form can be completed by clicking the link below. A member of our transport team will contact you to confirm the details and whether we have capacity on the selected route for your child(ren).

Bus Travel Application/Changes Form 2025

CDC Queensland Services

The College is also serviced by CDC Sunshine Coast. Please click here for bus routes available to/from GSLC.

For more information:

Click here CDC Sunshine Coast Website

Email CDC

Phone: 07 5476 6622

College Expectations of Bus Users

This Student Code of Conduct explains the College’s policies regarding the use and patronage of its own buses and the Bus Rules for Students (and penalties for infringements of those rules). It also explains how the buses operate from stop to stop, expectations regarding young children and variations in bus travel due to inclement weather.

Customer Service Expectations

Under the Transport Operations (Passenger Transport) Act 1994, Queensland Transport expects to see documentary evidence of procedures to indicate that a complaints register exists to ensure that if a complaint is made, it is recorded, investigated and the appropriate action is taken in response.

The College has therefore provided the following form for users of our bus service to raise any complaints, issues or concerns about the bus services that we run.

Transport Issues and Concerns Report

For the above reasons all complaints must be made on the above form (rather than by merely phoning the College) and be submitted to:

The Head of Operations
Good Shepherd Lutheran College
PO Box 1288
Noosaville DC QLD 4566


Conveyance Allowance

A Conveyance Allowance is payable to parents who live more than 3.2kms from the closest state school. Students can be either conveyed by bus or private vehicle. Contact the School Transport Section, Queensland Transport, Maroochydore on (07) 5452 1800 for more information.