Outside School Hours Care

Good Shepherd offers a safe Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program where children can unwind after school and during the holidays with stimulating projects and activities.

"Our families are valued and invited to be part of the program." OSHC

OSHC is available for Prep to Year 6 students. Students must be enrolled to be eligible to attend. Please contact OSHC directly at oshc@gslc.qld.edu.au or call 0409 707 167 for enrolment information.

The after school care service and vacation care is located on the lower rear level of College Chapel.

    Please click on link below for September 2024 Vacation Care Program

    September Vacation Care Program

    2025 Fees

    After school care opening hours: Prep - 2:45pm to 6:00pm each school day.

    After school care opening hours: Year 1 -6 - 3.00pm to 6:00pm each school day - Years 1-6

    Cost: $34.00 (less Childcare Subsidy (CCS)

    Vacation care and student free days opening hours: 7:30am to 6:00pm. Cost: $73.00 (less CCS)


    Our qualified staff are committed to ensuring that children learn in a safe, nurturing and interactive environment. They actively model positive behaviours and values to the children in their care. As an experienced OSHC provider, we have the highest standards of quality assurance in our systems, facilities and programs.


    The OSHC programs follow the philosophy of the National Quality Framework for School Aged Care: My Time, Our Place. Our activities assist with all aspects of a child’s physical, intellectual, social and emotional development, and are created to meet the five outcomes of the framework which are:

    • Children have a strong sense of identity.
    • Children are connected and contribute to their world.
    • Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
    • Children are confident and involved learners.
    • Children are effective communicators.

    Our programs are based on the children’s interests which include dramatic play, craft, cooking, visual arts, and current events in the community such as the RSPCA fundraiser. Our families are valued and invited to be part of the program.

    ACECQA Rating

    Our service has been assessed by the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care against the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) Standards. Our last assessment was in January 2024 and we received our rating of Meeting National Quality Standard.